
History of the fire brigade in Eberswalde

First mention of a fire brigade in Eberswalde?

  • 1866 as the "Citizens' Association Fire Station"
  • In 1865, a "fire extinguishing regulation" was drawn up by the magistrate
  • 01 February 1875 Foundation of the Eberswalde volunteer fire brigade
  • In the early years of the 19th century, a great deal was invested in the technology and equipment of the fire brigade. In June 1910, the city councillors decided to purchase a turntable ladder.
  • 1901 Foundation of the Heegermühle volunteer fire brigade, now the Finow volunteer fire brigade
Erinnerung an das 25 jährige Stiftungsfest der "Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Eberswalde" am 12. August 1900
Alte Aufnahme der Feuerwehr Eberswalde

Time until the end of the Second World War

1933 to 1945

  • On 22 August 1934, a major fire destroys the main warehouse of the Märkisches Elektrizitätswerk, which was maintained as a central warehouse to supply the entire northern Mark Brandenburg, as well as Mecklenburg and Pomerania.
  • 1939-1940 Due to the outbreak of war, many firefighters were called up for military service. The operational readiness of the Eberswalde volunteer fire brigade was maintained by a compulsory fire brigade and the Hitler Youth Fire Brigade.

The period after the end of the Second World War and during the division of Germany

1945 to 1990

  • After the end of the Second World War, the volunteer fire brigade in Eberswalde was disbanded. Many former members of the volunteer fire brigade joined the professional fire brigade.
  • 1947 Establishment of a professional fire brigade with 2 watch departments on 24-hour duty, each with 6 firefighters.
  • The state took over the administration of the professional fire brigade in the Soviet occupation zone.
  • Under the name "Kommando Feuerwehr", the fire brigade department was part of the structure of the German People's Police.
  • As a result of the increasing number of inhabitants and the industry that had settled here, the number of guards gradually increased from 6 to 15 per department.
Alte Aufnahme der Feuerwehr Eberswalde
Alte Aufnahme der Feuerwehr Eberswalde

Development of the Eberswalde fire brigade since the reunification of Germany in 1990 until today

  • A new structural change in administration took place in the post-reunification period.
  • The municipalities were now responsible for hazard prevention and ensuring an efficient fire service.
  • The "fire brigade command" with the previously integrated company fire brigades was dissolved.
  • New emergency response and preventive fire protection structures had to be created for the approx. 55,000 inhabitants.
  • The three volunteer fire brigades in existence at the time were only partially operational due to a lack of members.
  • In 1990, the Eberswalde town council decided to form a volunteer fire brigade with full-time staff. The 36 firefighters and the firefighting equipment were taken over from the existing fleet.
  • Three watch departments were formed, each with a strength of 9 firefighters.
  • In addition, the fire brigade took over an ambulance in the Eberswalde urban area in 1993. For this purpose, the number of staff was increased by 6 additional employees.
  • In 1994, the new main fire station for the full-time firefighters and the home station of the Finow volunteer fire brigade was built, which is still in use today. The Fire Service Technical Centre (FTZ) with its associated breathing apparatus training facility, the Barnim district control centre and the Barnim district's preventive fire and disaster protection services were integrated into this new building. In addition, the new main fire station building was used as a rescue centre for two ambulances, which are still permanently stationed there today.
  • In 2002, the professional fire brigade withdrew from the rescue service. Today, the rescue service in the entire district of Barnim is provided by Rettungsdienst GmbH des Landkreises Barnim.
  • The incorporation of the present-day districts of Sommerfelde, Tornow and Spechthausen increased the territory of the district town of Eberswalde.
  • In 2000, the city council decided to convert the volunteer fire brigade with full-time staff into a professional fire brigade.
  • The Eberswalde professional fire brigade currently has 37 firefighters, 4 colleagues in the management of the fire brigade and the fire protection service and 33 colleagues on duty.
  • The professional fire brigade is supported by 6 volunteer fire brigades with currently 129 active members:Eberswalde, Finow, Clara-Zetkin-Siedlung, Sommerfelde, Tornow and Spechthausen fire brigades