Training with the city of Eberswalde
The city of Eberswalde can once again look forward to welcoming new trainees in the 2022/2023 training year. As an attractive employer and training centre, the city administration offers a wide range of development opportunities.

In addition to the "classic" administrative assistant, it is also possible to train as a zoo keeper or, more recently, as a state-recognised educator. Part-time programmes are also possible.
This year, a total of twelve trainees started their vocational training with the city. Mayor Götz Herrmann welcomed "the young colleagues" to the town hall on 22 and 24 August 2022.
"The city of Eberswalde creates prospects. Training and further education are also important aspects of comprehensive urban development, because it needs ideas and innovative minds to drive it forward. I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new trainees and wish them an exciting, varied and inspiring apprenticeship," said the mayor.
Over the next three to four years, the administration is facing a kind of transition phase. Numerous employees will be taking their well-deserved retirement during this time. They will be taking their expertise and many years of professional experience with them. In order to continue to meet the increasing demands and expectations of the citizens, the mayor would like to react at an early stage.
"From the 2023/2024 training year, there will be one more training place for administrative assistants each year. This not only serves the purpose of giving young people in particular a perspective, it is also intended to secure and expand the city's own need for skilled labour. It is good to see that the city is already training nursery nurses itself for the first time in the current training year. Good education is always a give and take. The teacher can learn from the student and so I also see the rejuvenation of our administration as an opportunity for new, fresh impetus and synergy effects that will ultimately benefit our city of Eberswalde," continued Mayor Götz Herrmann.