Good places
Good Places Eberswalde is an initiative of the Local Alliance for Families Eberswalde under the patronage of the mayor in co-operation with retailers, tradespeople and public institutions throughout the city and in cooperation with the Eberswalde Public Order Office, the Barnim Police Inspectorate and the Barnim District Youth Welfare Office.
The following players, branches, offices and shops are already involved:
Town hall, Breite Straße 41 - 44
Flower and floristry speciality shop "Gänseblümchen", Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 12
Thinkfarm Eberswalde, Eisenbahnstraße 92/93 / Karl-Marx-Platz
Amadeu Antonio Civic Education Centre among others with City library and Parent-child centre, Puschkinstraße 13
Specialist sports shop Terei, Schicklerstraße 8
Family garden, Am alten Walzwerk 1
GUSTAV coffee houseam Markt 2d, and Wiese bakery, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 13
Haus & Grund e. V., August-Bebel-Straße 22
Spectacle and optician's speciality shop "hoffmann & brillen", Eisenbahnstraße 72
Regional shop "Krumme Gurke", Ruhlaer Straße 1
Kiosk "Tante Sören"rudolf-Breitscheid-Straße 16
Koeppe medical supply store, Frankfurter Allee 18
Eberswalde Employment Agency & Barnim Job Centre, Bergerstrasse 30
Neighbourhood management Brandenburgisches Viertel, Schorfheidestrasse 13
Naturopathic practice Corinne Hassan, Wiedemannstraße 29
Tourist information in the Alder pharmacy, Steinstraße 3
Housing co-operative Eberswalde 1893 eG, Ringstraße 183
WHG Wohnungsbau- und Hausverwaltungs- GmbH, Dorfstraße 9
"Office E", Michaelisstraße 10
Deufrains funeral parlour, Ratzeburgstraße 12
Evangelical association "Auf dem Drachenkopf" e.V. with hospicegeorg-Herwegh-Straße
Dance House Eberswaldezum Grenzfließ 17
Pöschel & Partner Funeral Directors, Eberswalder Straße 125
Learning and family centre "Spreewaldstraße", Spreewaldstraße 20/22
Bread & Hope e. V., Eisenbahnstraße 84
Office of the Volkssolidarität Barnim e. V., Schneiderstraße 19
House "Sunflower" gemeinnützige Service-Gesellschaft VS Barnim mbH, Mauerstraße 17
Community centre of the Protestant parish of Eberswalde, Kirchstraße 6
Westend Pharmacy, Heegermühler Straße 15a
AktivierBAR" youth team, Boldtstraße 22
IMPULS KBB gGmbH, Coppistraße 3
Duden Institute for Learning Therapy, Eisenbahnstraße 13
bloc.48 Bouldering hall Eberswalde, Coppistraße 3, House 48
Kiez Eck, Ruhlaer Straße 19
"Twitch & Sugar", Coppistraße 3
Firstcrack - Coffee & Cake, Eisenbahnstraße 21
Dietrich Bonhoeffer House with the parent-child centrepotsdamer Allee 35
Citizens' office DIE LINKE., Heegermühler Straße 15